Realism and Forgiveness ....dropping the ball doesn't have to break the flow.
Just catch it on the bounce back up.
So, I let it bounce.
But I definitely knew I had to do at least the challenge goal the next day...
This mind set really help to keep me producing at a steady rate. The sense of forgiveness thrown in ahead of time was liberating. Initially, I was afraid it would give me permission to slack off, but that didn't happen. Instead if I missed a day, I did not feel like I let myself down in the long run-no failure, just a smaller goal reached, It was kept compartmentalized for just that one day.
Whew, what a sense of relief!
Ultimately, along with the studio reconfiguration for convenience, this bouncing ball concept went a long way to creating a sense of rhythm for me; doing my best to even push it even the tiniest bit forward every day and
Now to be able to transfer this to other areas of life, and to stop juggling delicate balls that break instead of bounce...
Perfect - We all need to incorporate this thought process into our lives!