Wow! just fell into the most amazing art experience last weekend.

I think it will make me a very happy, geeky artist for a while. Maybe even as happy as I am below...
Happy artist me with one of my biggest, dearest supporters, Helen Ardman
Artist Workshop Demo
Thanks of Kris Iden at
VisArts in Richmond Virginia, some extra time on Saturday since my kids baseball game fell through,
Amy Shawley-fantastic workshop artist, and the G
olden Acrylic Company I got to finally find out what the paint I have been using for the last oh 1/2 my life is made out of!
So just what are you made of? It's ok, I can handle the truth..
Shameless marketing? Or shrewd business plan?
I thought it was going to be one, but delightfully actually turned out to be the other! Or maybe it is both, will find out just how much of this new stuff I start buying in the next few months.
Chemistry Flashbacks-the good kind
Now I am reading all about oils, polymers, chemistry, molecular structures and the history of pigments. (My personal favorite cool discovery in this...there are two sets of pigments-mineral and modern, who
knew?)You, too, can read more about some of this in Golden's newsletter called
Just Paint. Look up the Safflower Oil Paints article in particular...very good to geek out to.
Actual Chemical equation for oil paint.
Incredibly, eerily similar to oil we cook and eat
Cool illustration of chemical bond. Just here for looks
I know my high school chemistry teacher, Sr. Eileen would not believe that I am actually getting into this subject matter willingly...but yes it is true!
Not actually Sr. Eileen- but feel this would have been her response had she known about
my recently discovered love of chemistry.
So now I am experimenting will all sorts of cool things in my studio, like acrylic skins, pastes and gels. I cannot wait to teach this stuff.
But wait! There is even more!
You can geek out on books about this too! (Remember those?) So Amy recommended Bright Earth by Phillip Ball and apparently so did lots of other folks on Amazon. And because Amazon knows a sucker when they see one, recommended another color book for me on the history of pigments called Color-A Natural History of the Palette by Victoria Finlay. Well thankfully for my wallet, I am not a total sucker. I am getting the second book from the library first ;)
Looking forward to getting to know you guys better...
so I can get you to do exactly what I want you to here.
and of course, here.
The Take-Away
So any of you artists out there ... if you ever have the opportunity to take a materials workshop from a paint manufacturer, don't shy away because you are afraid it is only a dressed up sales pitch. Go for it! You will be amazed at what you will learn. If you want to seek them out, hit the website of your favorite art materials company and I bet you dollars-to-donuts that they will have a schedule of workshop demonstrations or a request form.
Happy Exploring!