

Monday, April 29, 2019

New Steps to New Goals Combining Abstraction Realism at (Hopefully) the VCCA

Thought new goals would not be as scary as I got older...

think that are maybe even a touch more....

Self Portrait: The Artist as Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun
Oil on Canvas 30”x 24”

But I guess that scarcity cat feeling is a sign of getting out of own lazy comfort zone, right?

Happy Bobby in Action
Oil on Canvas 12”x9”

But I feel like I need that concentrated time to work out some studio challenges that I have been wrestling with for ab out three years now...

Figure Study 30 Minute Pose
Charcoal, White Conte and Pencil on Paper

So this is where I am applying...the Virginia Center of the Creative Arts (VCCA) 

with the goal of combining that type of recent work from above with my mono print and color field studies from a few years ago...

'Memba these guys?

Looking forward to the challenge and keeping my fingers crossed to being accepted!  

But if not, this is still what I will be working on...guess it is my new studio challenge for 2019