1. | Awesomesauce | 797 up, 165 down |
Something that is more awesome than awesome. It is a modifyer of your basic awesome into a more awesome version
(courtesy Urban Dictionary)
Gestalt- |gəˈ sh tält; -ˈ sh tôlt|
Psychologyan organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts. (courtesy Apple Dictionary)
Wow I just love the synergy, gestalt that RVA has with the arts and the people who create!!
To show you what I mean let me describe a slice of awesomesauce that happened to me and my students just last Friday
I took my students to see my studio (which honestly I think was a bit of a yawn for them, maybe I should NOT have cleaned it up) and to see the exhibit at
VisArts Substitutions for A Game Never Played an strong collection of still life, portraits and capgrossos by
Megan Marlatt. I would highly recommend it but unfortunately her exhibit just closed, bummer.
Click on her name above or see the photos below to view her dynamic, vibrant work.
Obviously and thank goodness her work is nowhere near a yawn, but this is where it greats really really really GREAT...
Who do we run into on the stairs?
Why just the artist herself, Megan Marlatt, and yes she is so cool that she gives an engaging, witty elevator talk about her work, process and inspiration to my students right there. It was like Megan was just waiting there for us and had all the time in the world. Nada pretensions..
Would that ever happen in NYC? Doubtful. LA? Unlikely.
But wait!! It gets even GREATER...
Megan’s work with
capgrossos (aka big heads) brings a capgrosso Spanish artist (David Ventura) into town thanks to a wonderful NEA Fast-Track Challenge America grant. So, they are hanging out working near my studio....
Bummer that they do not speak English because it would be just amazing to hear from them.
So how zen is it that I happen to have a student fluent in Spanish? She is able (with just a little nudge) to translate for us.... yet another unplanned for non-yawn art moment.
Complete awesomesauce.
Thank you once again VisArts for doing your part in making RVA such a zen-awesomesauce-gestalt place for creativity.